- cameraman
Curriculum vitae
Born on March 25, 1971 in Olomouc. After graduating from a gymnasium, Jan Bartoň
worked as an external cameraman for Československá televize Praha (Czechoslovak
television–Prague) and later on as an editor. He studied at Palackého University
of philosophy at a film ology branch. He later transferred to a film school in Zlín
where he filmed his first feature-length picture.
He filmed a video clip “Dole v Dole” for the “Kabát” music band and won a prize
at the Mattoni Český slavík symposium for the video clip of the year. He also received
a nomination for DVD for the same band “Anděl 2004” and a nomination “Zlatá pecka”
for advertising shots for JAWA, ČP leasing. A full-length children’s story by husband
and wife Bartoň "Šmankote, babičko, čaruj!", introduced at 19:30 air time on the
Christmas Eve, December 24, 1999, by TV Nova, received the highest ratings among
all homemade telecasts.